The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Azog the Lesser (Or. "Violent") was a son of Azog the Defiler The third in his line by that name, he was a Captain of Dol Guldur, much like his brother, Bolg. Despite his infamous Boldog bloodline, due to the tremendous general loss at the Battle of Five Armies, his direct influence over all the Orcs of the North was reduced to Mount Gundabad alone and so he was a relatively unknown Ashdurbúk and achieved few tremendous deeds. He was, however, the father of Mazog, who later briefly ruled in Moria during the War of the Ring, and Gorgar, who after Sauron's fall usurped the Lordship of Gundabad. Under pressure from Sauron, he commanded a army of Deep-Orcs from Moria against the Woodland Realm, but he was easily slain in single combat by King Thranduil.


There are contradicting accounts on the lineage of Mazog. Some accounts call him a "son of Azog" while others denote him as spawn of Azog's spawn. This contradiction has been solved on this Wiki by the introduction of this third Azog, Azog IIl, son of Azog the Defiler, grandson of Azog the Slayer, brother to Bolg and father of Mazog and Gorgar.
