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The New Notion Club Archives

Azog the Defiler (Or./B.S. "Cruel") was the strongest son of Azog The Slayer and the greatest Orc-chieftain of the North.

Following the death of his father Azog the Slayer in the battle of Azanulbizer, Azog the Defiler tried to avenge his death and took control over the orcs during the battle, he was true prideful and had his arm chopped by Thorin Oakenshield causing him to retreat and the orcs to loose the battle. Azog the Defiler succeeded him as Ashdurbúk of the Misty Mountains, ruling from his seat of power in the safe confines of the iron fortress within Gundabad. Though cunning and vile like Azog the slayer before, Azog the Defiler still secretly paid tribute to the "Necromancer". As a minion of the Shadow, even Ogrod the Great Goblin of Goblin-town bent the knee before the son of Azog the Slayer.

Following his kinsman Ogrod's death, Azog the Defiler stirred up the Northland Orcs and a massive host from the Misty Mountains, the hills of Angmar, Goblin-town, and the Grey Mountains gathered before the walls of great Gundabad.

During the Battle of Five Armies, Azog the Defiler and his lieutenants commanded their forces from the peak of Ravenhill using flags and horns. When victory for the Orcs of the North seemed inevitable, the Ashdurbúk came forth himself astride his Warg and mortally wounded Thorin. However, the arrival of the Great Eagles distracted the army long enough that Beorn broke through the Orcs' ranks and crushed Azog the Defiler to death, ending his reign of terror.

Important Dates[]

  • died TA 2941.



(N) = non-canon


One fanfiction story shows Azog the Defiler (or rather "Azog") abducting the elven-girl Hinarel, who supposedly became the mother of his son Bolg

Movie Trilogy[]

In the Hobbit movies, Azog is depicted as a Pale Orc, an ancient line or breed of Orcs possibly of demonic origin. The film trilogy further revived Azog and gave him the leading role in the Battle of Five Armies in contrast to the book, where Azog the Defiler, whom we are calling Azog the Slayer was slain in the Battle of Azanulbizar and the Host of Gundabad was commanded by his son Bolg. The character called Bolg in the trilogy was reduced to a lesser commander of Dol Guldur. This was retconned for this wiki by establishing Bolg as Azog The Defilers son and the trilogy's "Azog" as the actual "real Bolg" .

To sum it up in the books Azog the Slayer is actually Azog the defiler, but to make the movies and book make sense, Azog The Defilers name is changed to Azog the Slayer and his son is Azog the Defiler and had his arm chopped off by Thorin Oakenshield and his father Azog the Slayer was killed in the same battle. In the books Bolg is who leads the battle of the five but instead it’s actually Azog the Defiler in the movies, Bolg is Azog the Defilers son in the movies.

Azog The slayer - killed in battle of Azanulbizer

Azog The Defiler - survived battle of Azanulbizer but is defeated and is killed in battle of five armies

Bolg - Azog the Defilers son, killed in the battle of Five of five armies.


  • MERP: Lords of Middle-earth Vol. III - Hobbits, Dwarves, Ents, Orcs & Trolls