The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Aunonaflodu (O Rh.: "Yeaning abundance") of House Amrodan was the wife of Answini, second-in-command at the Tirthon tower in central Rhudaur.

She was the only trained herbmistress at the Tirthon and possessed a family background similar to that of her husband, although her title had slightly more merit. She affected the manners of a true Dúnadan lady. In TA 1640 Aunonaflodu had recently returned to her homeland, since she was sent as a lass to Tharbad for a noble education. She showed great potential in music and herblore from an early age. Her potential was still unrealized, for she spent more time studying the saucy ways of the court of Cardolan than learning the lessons and disciplines of her vocation.
Aunonaflodu was well pleased with her arranged marriage to a dashing young warrior. She had arrived at the Beacon Tower roughly six months ago. This occurred soon after the death of Marendil's wife, and Aunonaflodu had enjoyed the unofficial status of the Lady of the Tower. However, she soon discovered that she had wed a gritty and inelegant life, and an uncultured husband. Lady Amrodan had been experiencing strange dreams of late in which her darkest fantasies, of which she was not consciously aware, were fulfilled. In consequence, she had become cool and sulky with Answini and more familiar with the garrison and guests than even the bawdy standards of the Northmen condoned. The chance that she would commit some overt breach of propriety grew more likely as Ethacali's siege commenced. She had always been something of a flirt, and Ethacali expected the pressure exerted by the Blood-wights on these quirks to spawn many crises under the stress of a siege.


The original MERP module uses the historical Anglo-Saxon name "Éanfled". This was changed for a more archaic form here to represent the language of the Eriadorian Northmen in TA 1640.


  • MERP: Dark Mage of Rhudaur