The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Númenórean Stargazer

From the time of the awakening of the Elves in Cuivienen, the Eruhini had been fascinated with the sky and its objects, Sun, Moon, stars, and comets. From this fascination arose the calendars of Elves, Dwarves, and Men, and the practice of old Wise men watching the stars, seeking for possible signs of the future or the intervention and work of Illuvatar and the Valar, especially Elbereth. Astrology (Q. Menelissë) however also became important in many of the superficial beliefs and practices of the cults and religions of the Wild Men and Men of Darkness, and there were many impostors, frauds, and mountebanks posing as Stargazers, star-mongers, Seers, and Prophets.

Astrology and Astronomy in Roleplaying[]

Astrologer is a playable profession in Rolemaster.

Examples for Astrologers and Astronomers in Middle-earth[]

Astrologers and Astronomers of renown[]

See also[]
