Asirac Tombs
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Floor-plan of the Asirac Tombs
(N = right) by Randell Doty © 1998 | |
Location of Rendar and Asirac Vale (MERP)
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Westmarch (Calenardhon) (later: Rohan)
Gondor (later: Rohan)
High on the northern ridge of the Rendar and Asirac Vale was located the tomb of the Asirac clan, the opening of which was set into the rock outcropping. The path to the tomb no longer existed. There once had been a stone shelf that led up to the tomb, but the shelf had long since fallen away from erosion. The tomb was marked by an opening in the rock that was faced with large scrollwork carvings that had once been quite beautiful, but after ages the artwork behind the carvings was barely visible.
The Asirac Tombs in T.A. 1640[]
The Asirac Tombs in T.A. 1640-1650 (refer to floor-plan above right):
- Entrance. The opening to the Asirac tombs is located on the face of a rock outcropping. It is approximately 20’ above the closest landing, so some climbing is required to gain access. The opening is 7’ wide and 7’ high. The carvings above the doorway and upon the facings are badly weathered, but someone who had studied Daenael (ancient Daen Coentis) might be able to determine that the inscriptions identify this tomb as that of clan Asirac and warn those of malicious intent to stay out.
- Guardians. The two columns in this oval room are intended to guard the tomb from the Rendar, either alive or undead, and from curious adventurers who might endanger themselves by exploring the tombs.
- Burial Chambers. These are the burial chambers of the common clansmen. As was customary, the bones have been segregated and have been placed in large (10’+ in height, 8’ in diameter) ceramic urns. There are over 200 of these urns in each of these large chambers. Near the entrance of each chamber is a group of smaller urns that contains religious articles and ceremonial gifts.
- Warding Chamber. The walls of this large chamber are faced with a lustrous blue stone. An ambient light is present in the chamber given off from the raised platform in the middle of the chamber. On closer inspection of the platform it is revealed that the light comes from 4 colored stones seated in depressions on each of the four corners of the platform. The stones are approximately 1’ in diameter and although they are round they are not spherical as they are only 8” in height. Each weigh about 50 lbs. The descriptions of the stones as well as the missing stone is included in their individual sections below.
- The Black Stone (focusing stone). Above the platform in the ceiling of the chamber is a depression similar to those on the platform, but this one is empty. The black stone or focusing stone is supposed to rest here. When placed in the depression the black stone will remain there despite gravity. Its purpose in the warding is to provide focus to the magical power provided by the other stones, and send out the warding field to hold back the Rendar.
- The Red Stone (power stone). The red stone is similar to the black stone. Its purpose in the warding matrix was to provide the raw essence power to the warding field.
- The Green Stone (life stone). The green stone is similar to the black stone. Its purpose in the matrix is to provide support for the maintaining of the life essence of the different parts of the Asirac and to provide the power to repeal undead which is crucial to the warding field.
- The Blue Stone (sight stone). The blue stone is similar to the black stone. Its purpose in the matrix is to provide communication internally and externally for the Asirac as well as providing sensory information.
- The Amber Stone (binding stone). The amber stone is similar to the black stone. Its purpose in the matrix is to allow the individual powers of the Asirac to intermingle to produce abilities that none would have had individually. The amber stone also allows for the Asirac to manipulate things in the physical word outside of the stones.
- Warrior Burial Chambers. These are the burial chambers of the particularly famous and heroic warriors of the Asirac clan. As in #3 the bones have been segregated and have been placed in large urns, but these are made of red laen. There are over 50 of these urns in this large chamber. Near the entrance of this chamber is a group of smaller urns that contains religious articles and ceremonial gifts. Beside these urns are a series of tall thin urns that contain weapons used by the warriors to complete the brave deeds that allowed them to be buried in this special chamber. These urns are sealed shut, but their contents can be seen through the laen if a strong light is nearby.
- Royal Burial Chambers. These are the burial chambers of the members of the royal family of the Asirac clan. As in # 10 the bones have been segregated and have been placed in large urns of blue laen. There are over 20 of these urns in this large chamber. There are no artifacts in this room (see #13), but some of the ceremonial gifts in the small urns near the front of the chamber are proportional in value to the people that gave them.
- Scholars Burial Chambers. These are the burial chambers of the learned men of the clan that distinguished themselves in their life of service to the clan. These urns contain the bones of a variety of clerics, sages, seers, healers, alchemists, craftsmen, artisans, and mages all of great skill and dedication. Like the others, near the entrance of the chamber is a group of smaller urns that contain religious articles and ceremonial gifts. No treasure of any value is kept in this chamber.
- Hidden Chamber. This chamber has no exits. The only way in or out is by teleportation, and only the Asirac know its location. The Asirac were far-sighted enough those many centuries ago when they first began to hold the Rendar in check, that they knew there would come a day when they or their agents would possibly need to confront the Rendar on a physical level. They prepared for this eventuality by storing magical weapons and devices in a secure place until that time would come.
- MERP Fan-modules: Tales of the Westmarch, by Randell Doty