The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Artamir (Q. "Noble-jewel") was a scion of House Drinbar, a noble family of Ithilien. Like most men of his line he had joined the Rangers of Ithilien in their guerilla war against the Orcs of Mordor and Haradrim who occupied or crossed the lands of their ancestors.

After years of warfare in the wilds Artamir eventually found his doom in a skirmish against orcs in northern Ithilien, not too far off the marches of the Black Gate. His comrades buried him beneath a large flat stone, which they engraved with elven runes after the manner of his family's ancient customs.

Before his death Artamir had handed over his most dear possession, a blade of Westernesse, to his dearest friend, Beleg, who promised to carry it on into battle against the oppressors. When Artamir's company left his grave-site behind them, they left with a dark shadow upon their spirits, as if something about Artamir's soul had not yet found peace.

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