Arkish was an angmarian Ashâktur who was in command of Barad Eldanar in about T.A.1640.He was an Adekdaran Easterling and a close protege of Lord Sakalûrê. He already held the rank of Ashâktur, although he was only 28-years-old. As the commander of the frontier defense, he had 100 warriors in his charge. Arkish was responsible for organizing a unified defense of the area in case of attack. He also organized raids, sorties, ambushes, and search-and-destroy missions. He rarely led these personally, but preferred to send his second-in-command Rhukar into the field. In addition to these duties, the commander also sent regular reports to his superiors in Carn Dûm. Arkish was a fine horseman who used a mounted lance in battle.
Although he preferred to wear a light Chain armor shirt made of coppery steel, he donned a suit of plated mail whenever he rode to battle. The plate was also coppery in hue, but it was covered with deep blue silk adorned with the symbol of Barad Eldanar: seven stylized white square knots arranged in a circle. Arkish also employed a matching kite-shaped shield.A Composite bow and a Bastard sword completed his fine war ensemble.
- MERP:Angmar:Land of the Witch King
- MERP:Empire of the Witch King