Arien (Q. "Sun-maiden"), the Maiden of Sunlight, was the youngest, yet most powerful of the Fire Spirits (Fëafiremar), created by Eru Ilúvatar before the Music of the Ainur was fully woven into the fabric of Eä. Unlike many of her kindred, who were swayed by the deceptions of Melkor and became the Balrogs (Valaraukar), Arien remained steadfast in her loyalty to Valar. She was a devoted servant of Vána the Ever-Young, and in the later ages, she became the Guardian of the Sun, guiding Anar across the sky to bring light to Arda.
- Amaterasu (Japanese of the Sixth and Seventh Ages)
- Ariâna (Ky'târi)
- Ár(i)
- Árien
- Áren
- Ār(i)
- Ārië
- Auron
- Ázië
- Āzië
- The Charioteer
- Daegbore (Rohirrim)
- Daegred
- Grian (Hillmen)
- Sonna (Northmen)
- Sorath, Zerachiel, or Galgaliel?
- Tulukh-igas
- Ûrîbêth (Numenoreans)
- Úrien
- Urwen
In the earliest days, Arien tended the golden flowers in Vána's gardens, along with the other beings and youths of her household. She was fascinated by the flowers' golden color, their ever-growing nature, and their natural, unspoiled beauty—a features which seemed to exemplify her own essence—and she carefully watered them with the nourishing dew from the great tree Laurelin (Golden Tree). Arien's devotion to the Tree of Gold and Vana's precious flowers gave them divine strength and regenerative power that renewed and energized the air of Valinor, and it also channeled her inner wildness. With the death of the Golden Tree at the hands of Morgoth and Ungoliant, Arien grieved long. Sorrow wounded her, but she stayed with her task, knowing that her care was critical lest the gardens wither, and not realizing that her greatest mission lay ahead. The last fruit of the Golden Tree was saved by Yavanna, and the Smith Aulë made a vessel to hold its light. Blessed by Manwë and given power by Varda, the vessel became Anar—the Sun—the golden lamp which the Noldor called Visa (Q. "Consumet"). Anar was the younger counterpart of Isil, the Moon, the vessel which held the silvery light of the last fruit of Telperion (Siver Tree). The Valar selected Arien to guide Anar across the sky. So, the Golden Fire abandoned her bright form and took to the sky to guide the Day Star. Arien's strength is such that she can withstand the trials of the unending mission, and her fiery essence provides her with immunity from the great heat. She can brave any fire.
According to legend, Melkor once loved Arien and even promised to make her his queen, but as she rejected him, Morgoth sent Black demons after the Sun and tried to ravish her. Both Tilion and Eönwë were also said to have been in love with her.

The form Arien adopted in Valinor was that of a beautiful but tempestuous woman, one whose eyes glowed so brightly as to hurt those of the Elves who gazed upon them. Like Tilion, however, Arien rarely adopted a corporeal form. She committed herself long ago to the heavens. She has remained there, guiding the Sun's seemingly endless journey.
- Golden Horn
Arien's special powers[]
- Fire-form — Arien can manipulate her so-called "Fire-form," taking virtually any shape she desires within a 12' × 12' × 12' area. She must concentrate to maintain this fiery fana.
- MERP: Lords of Middle-earth Vol. I - The Immortals