Argeleb II
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Argeleb II
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Time period
Third Age b. 1473 - d. 1670
Balorwen (N), Dolruin (N)
Glíriel (N)
(N) = non-canon
Argeleb II (S. "Royal-silver") was the tenth King of Arthedain (T.A. 1589-1670). He succeeded his father, Araphor, and had the unpleasant chore of presiding over Arthedain during the years of the Great Plague (T.A. 1636-37). Even before the Plague, his realm was wounded and in many areas deserted, so in T.A. 1600, he granted permission to the Hobbits Marcho and Blanco to settle the Shire. He was succeeded by his son Arvegil.
Argeleb spent much of his eighty-one years' rule in his distinctive deep-blue armor, fighting Angmar's hordes. Never aggressive politically, granting the Shire to the Hobbits was the boldest domestic act of this most-martial ruler. Argeleb was well into the second century of his life by T.A. 1640; having won a stalemate, of sorts, along his border with Angmar even before the Great Plague, he was working on his reputation as a patron of the arts and devoted tender of the royal herb-gardens in Fornost. He had grown weary of war as well as policy, and some nobles said, weak with age and disinterest.
Just under 7' tall, with the grey eyes, long limbs, and clean features of Isildur's line, Argeleb looked the image of a great King. The weakness that seemed apparent to many at court did not lie in his greying hair or the lines graven on his face and hands; Argeleb was of high Dúnadan blood and expected to be as fit as a common man a quarter his age for decades to come. The trouble laid in the fading of the martial spirit that young or hard-hearted men expected in their leaders. Argeleb followed the Elvish philosophy of his fathers and saw war as a dragging necessity rather than an opportunity for glory. Long years of conflict had left him fatalistic and hesitant to waste lives in aggressive moves. Never naturally expressive, he was no longer willing to put on the public displays required to lead those less wise than himself.
- Celebrindol
- Arvegil - eldest son
- Balorwen - elder sister
- Belenril of Turven - son in law, husband of Nírien
- Beren - second son
- Cathron - grandson via Nírien
- Celeborn - grandson via Nírien
- Dolruin - younger brother
- Glíriel - wife
- Irlinniel - younger daughter
- Minastir - third son
- Nírien - second child
- MERP: The Lost Realm of Cardolan