Arfanhil (S? "High-cloud-?") was a descendant of Beregor, a prince of Rhudaur, and descendant of Rhudaur's last King Elegost.He may have been the illegitimate son of Beregor's son, Prince Hûlorn, though his exact relation to Beregor's line was unknown.
Arfanhil in TA 1640[]
A 17-year-old, yet to fully come into his own, was the theoretical heir of the kingdom of Rhudaur. His natural parents killed, he was raised by a family of mixed-blood settlers. One night a young woman naming herself Arfanneth appeared at the door, claiming to be his sister, and telling him that he was the last heir to the Lordship of Rhudaur. Then she gave him an amulet and left. He set out alone to find the tomb of his ancestor, but was easily trapped by the evil brother mages Caldamir and Eldamir of Mag Fael. A brash youth whose spirit had yet to be broken despite his imprisonment of nearly a year, retaining the will of his princely Dúnedain ancestors.
Arfanhil stood 6’2” tall weighting only 160 pounds due to his poor diet. He had unusually light hair for a Dúnadan, and grey eyes.
Artifacts: Later Arfanhil inherited the Amulet Herufeä (Q. "Spirit Master").
in TA 1650[]
Arfanhil is a full grown man of 27 and a lesser Noble of Rhudaur which is currently under the rule of Mathbran, a Hill-man King.
- MERP #8103: Trolls of the Misty Mountains