Ardagor (S? "Earth-horror"?), the Bane of Minhiriath and self-proclaimed "Warlord of the Empire," was a 7-foot-tall Half-troll with Elven blood. A powerful Sorcerer in the service of the Witch-king, he commanded an array of forces that dominated the central highlands of Cardolan during the middle of the Third Age. He lived at Creb Durga, an ancient ceremonial site originally built by the ancestors of the Beffraen.
Not all of the hideous experiments in Dol Guldur conducted by the Necromancer (Sauron) were as successful as those that produced the Uruk-hai and the Olog-hai. The Warlord was one of the failures, an abomination, the result of mixing Troll and Elvish seed. As had been intended by his maker, the Warlord was a lover of cruelty and dark learning. He was both a fearsome warrior (as was widely known), and a passable sorcerer (which few suspected). He also had a pathological hatred of Orcs, and when seeing one would fall upon it and rend it to pieces. This could have been merely a humorous foible, but the Warlord could not restrain this habit even when in the presence of his Dark Master. He was therefore sent to the Witch-king. The Witch-king at last found a use for him when a batch of Hill Trolls proved unamenable to military discipline. The Witch-king gave them to the Warlord and unchained the lot in the general direction of Cardolan. This had proven far more useful than expected.
7'8" and black of skin, the Warlord's body and limbs were finely proportioned, but his face and head were as misshapen as that of the ugliest Troll. He wore a stout iron ring around his neck that was imbued with the permanent illusion of a black horned helmet. The Warlord was a skilled negotiator and, sad to say, had secret dealings with many of his fellow Princes of Cardolan.
Other names[]
- Dagorhir (S. "Battle-lord")
See also[]
- MERP: Lords of Middle-earth Vol. III - Hobbits, Dwarves, Ents, Orcs & Trolls
- MERP: Lost Realm of Cardolan
- MERP: Northwestern Middle-earth Campaign Atlas
- MERP: Northwestern Middle-earth Gazetteer
- MERP: Raiders of Cardolan
- MERP: Treasures of Middle-earth