The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Ardacermë (Q. "Earth-product") was a white, metallic grey alloy, a fusion of ang, gloin, and durang that had a high shine when polished. It was extremely strong but somewhat rigid and extremely hard to work with once forged. It could cleave iron without dulling. Originally invented by the Dwarves and commonly known as Dwarven Steel, it was considered superior to most elven steel with the possible exception of Noldo-steel.

Ardacermë was identified as an iron-carbon-titanium alloy.


Original form in MERP: Adarcer → Ardacer → (Q.) Ardacermë. However, the prior forms are unclear and not attested. We have here applied a new name form based on known Quenya words.


  • MERP: Rule-book 2nd Edition
  • MERP: Treasures of Middle-earth 2nd Edition