The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
Boromir: "Is it not a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt for so small a thing? So small a thing!"
- J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring II:10

Araw Oromë (S. and Q. for "Horn-blowing", "Trumpeter"), Huntsman of the Valar, was one of the mightiest of Valar and one of Aratar, the High Ones of Arda. He was the Lord of the Wilds, the Master of Beasts, and the Great Rider, whose horn echoed through the wild lands of Middle-earth long before the rising of the Sun and Moon. He was the spouse of Vána the Ever-Young and brother of Nessa, dwelling in Aldúmë within the Woods of Oromë, in the golden realm of Valinor. He was the master of the steed Nahar, whose hooves struck thunder upon the plains of the world, and bore the mighty horn Valaróma, whose sound could shake the hills, and bore the enchanted bow and arrows that struck down the foul beasts of the Hither Lands.

Woods of Oromë




Araw usually takes the Fána of a great hunter dressed all in greens with a green beard and a green hood, riding the white horse Nahar and carrying a great spear and a beautiful bow, but Araw may also appear as a tree or in various animal-forms. Due to his blue beard or skin he was laso known as the "blue fairy".

(In ICE's MERP he was depicted with silver as his color association.)


Nature, forests, wilderness, kelvar, wild beasts, the hunt, dogs, kine, horses.




A Squire of the Hunt



The Hunt

Araw's principal items[]

  • Bow of Araw (Coirewehsta)
  • Belt of Emeralds
  • Green/Silver Robes
  • Golden Snare
  • Knife of the Hunter
  • Spear of Araw
  • Sword
  • Valaróma (The fabled hunting-horn of Oromë)


See also[]


  • MERP #8002: Lords of Middle-earth Vol. I - The Immortals: Elves, Maiar, and Valar
  • MERP: Middle-earth Adventure Guidebook II