The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

In the early days of Arnor Aratumno (Q."Royal Valley") had been a town of some importance, located in the Rammas Formen, with a sizeable population of about 3,400 people.

It was mostly a trading point connecting the more densely settled central Arthedain with the dwarven mines in the northwest.It was also frequented by many trappers and hunters and was for sone time a centre for pelt-trade.

By the 8th century TA the place had been largely given up and was only used as a campsite by the nomadic Lossoth who called the region Pynti-Leiri.


  • Original form: Ardum = Ardûm = Aratumno
  • Ardum may actually be the same place as the unnamed ruins near Jänis-Leiri.
  • Ardum might have been an indigenous form, but it is unknown which language it is supposed to represent, though possibly an old bórian dialect of northern Eriador.But under Dúnadan rule it would most likely have had a Quenya or later Sindarin name."Ardûm" might also be a Sindarin name with the meaning "Royal valley".
  • for unknown reasons in his article Thomas Morwinsky assigns the name "Ardum" to three different settlements, the other two being located in the Lone Lands and in Rhudaur.


  • Population and Urbanization in Eriador by Thomas Morwinsky (published in Other Minds Magazine #13)
Boromir: "Is it not a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt for so small a thing? So small a thing!"
- J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring II:10
