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The New Notion Club Archives

Araphor (S. "Noble Fist") was the ninth King of Arthedain. He succeeded his father Arveleg I in T.A. 1409, coming to the throne while still quite young. Arveleg I perished in the fighting at Weathertop, forcing the sudden ascension of his eldest son, who was still studying near Annúminas. Araphor's crowning took place amidst turmoil in the North Kingdom, for his people faced their greatest threat yet. Angmar's armies approached Fornost, and only the intervention of Cirdan's Elves saved the Arthadan Dúnedain from destruction.
Upon taking the throne, Araphor received help from his Elven allies and successfully defended Fornost and the surrounding North Downs. The Arthadan defense stabilized and the Angmarrim retired. Peace followed for the rest of his reign, which lasted until Araphor's death in T.A. 1589. It was a quiet era, dominated by the difficult task of rebuilding the realm.


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