Arandor (S. "King's-land"; Q. Aranórë, Ad. Arthâni), also known as Kingsland, the Royal Province of Númenor, was the central region of the island and the political heart of the realm of Númenor. It encompassed the great city of Armenelos, the capital of Númenor, and the sacred mountain Meneltarma, around which the land was rich and fertile, forming the heartland of Númenórean civilization. The province extended eastward to the Firth of Rómenna, where the mighty Haven of Rómenna stood, serving as Númenor’s largest port and the gateway to Middle-earth.
The Royal Road, the great highway of the island, ran from Rómenna through Armenelos, passing near Meneltarma, and continuing westward toward Andúnië. Arandor was also home to the King’s Palace, the Houses of Lore, and many other grand edifices that symbolized Númenor’s power and wisdom.
Places of Note[]
- MERP: Northwestern Middle-earth Campaign Guide
- Read UT 165, 169.