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The New Notion Club Archives
Letters From A Foreign Land map

(N = left) Monasteries of: 1. Maldoviëtar 2. Mîrëcalo the Brave 3. Voronetyar 4. Suhtoviëtar


Anusta Suhtoviëtaro (Q. "Monastery of Suhtoviëtar", Suhtoviëtar = "vigorous-high-air") was a Gondorian monastery in the county of Mirach in the southern vales of the central Ered Nimrais. It was one of a number of small religious refuges, built in the Second Age by faithful Númenórean Anustari fleeing from persecution by the Kingsmen.

Like its pendant Anusta Voronetyaro, Suhtoviëtar was a genuine masterpiece of Númenórean art and architecture. The building was painted with illustrations of scriptural stories and historical scenes that were unique, from battle scenes and sieges to a genealogical tree. One fresco was of extraordinary interest: the fires of some hell-pit flame around struggling souls and live coals scorching their tormented bodies, while animals gave back fragments of human bodies to supplement those which had been savaged.


Original names: Sucevitar → Suhtoviëtar; Voronet → Voronetyar


  • MERP adventure: Letters from a Foreign Land, by Graham Staplehurst, in White Dwarf magazine, Issue 93, Sep. 1987