Answini (Rh."Friend of God") of house Amrodan was a man who served as the junior knight at the Tirthon in central Rhudaur and second-in-command in T.A.ca.1409. His family hailed from the happier days of the Northron mercenaries, when many a successful adventurer married the widows and heiresses of a declining Dúnadan Lesser House, claiming the wife's name and title.Answini was Northron in culture and character, despite his knightly status and his specious claim to a defunct lordship in northern Rhudaur.He wore the appropriate armor for a Roquen (Q. "Knight"), although he kept his blond hair long, as did his troops. He showed considerable promise as a captain, but was still young and impetuous. Answini had few interests beyond warfare. He did not possess the gift of interesting conversation, even about the art of war. With Marendil en Hrótaiyar's affliction, Answini became the de facto commander, doing a passably good job. However, the Northron Knight had begun to have problems within his own household, due to his spouse's Aunonaflodu's odd behavior.
Orginal form In MERP:Oswy = Answini
- MERP:Dark Mage of Rhudaur