An animated statue
Animate things are artifacts made from the matter of Arda without a spirit or soul of their own which are animated and brought to react or move, or seemingly to "life" by the will or spirit of another being.The best kmown examples are the Púkel-men, which were created by the Drúedain and who could move and even fight through life-energy transferred upon them by their makers, the Silent Watchers, guardian-statues made by Sauron or his Sorcerers, in whom evil spieits had been imprisoned.The dwarves believed they themselves descended from "constructs" made by tneir father Aulë whom Eru had granted life and souls.Different from these were animate plants such as Huorns or Awakened trees who may have been former Ents who had become "treeish" or plants who had become possessed or dominated by some greater nature-spirit or demon such as Old Man Willow. Other types of animate nature-forces were kmown to exist too, such as Were-Winds.
- Constructs (Q."Yocari")
- Animate Statues
- Gargoyles
- Golems
- Iron Golems
- Stone Golems
- Pûkel creatures
- Colbran
- Hurndaen
- Karôth-naphtal
- Mendaen
- Nehvaari
- Pûkel-Men
- Pushel Nin
- shape-shifting statues (B.S. "Nabadhpomoni")
- Silent Watchers
- Stone Snakes
- Watchers in Stone
- Automata (Q. "Immaumar")
- Númenórean Constructs
- Animate Statues
- Animate Plants
- Greater Fronds
- Huorns
- Kelp-Kraken
- Mandrakes
- Illusions
- Avatars
- Other
- Cursed Stones
- Elementals
- Fire Elementars
- Water Elementars
- Wind Elementars
- Homunculi
- Lake Slime