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The New Notion Club Archives
Boromir: "Is it not a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt for so small a thing? So small a thing!"
- J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring II:10

Angmarrim (S. "Angmar-host"), also "Angmarians" or "Angmareans", was a general term for the mannish population of Angmar, as well as their language(s).



In the early Third Age, the human populace of Angmar seems to have spoken a dialect closely related to Bórian or Ulbandic. In later times Westron was spoken, and occasionally Hillmen dialects (it is unknown if these were a late descendant of the earlier Angmarian language).

Angmarrim in MERP[]


Angmarrim Village

In MERP, where the default temporal setting is T.A. 1640-1650, the Angmarrim are considered to be a culture consisting of various peoples, including Arvandor, Hillmen (Hillmen of Rhudaur, Hillmen of Gundabad), Dunmen, Eriadorians, Black Númenóreans, Northmen (the Estaravi), and even Easterling mercenaries (crusaders known as the Kharg-Huka); however more than half of the mixed-blooded Angmarean commoners are of Dunman or Hillman descent. The Angmarrim divided themselves into the Highland Angmarrim, the Men settled in the mountains and foothills of the Ered Angmar, and the Lowlanders, most of them herdsmen and often semi-migratory. A third class were the Fell-men or Moor-men, the lowest class within Angmarean society.

Angmarrim in LOTRO[]

Lotro considers the surviving Angmarrim in T.A. 3018-3019 as Hillmen. They are the descendants of the eastern population of Angmar who were driven back west over the Mountains by the Éothéod after 1856 TA and resettled the valleys of Angmar.

Some of their sub-groups are:

  • the Duvardain - a Hillman-tribe of Angmar.
  • the Gúlaran - the inhabirants of the tower Barad Gularan in Angmar.
  • the Ice Walkers - the Angmarean group in Forochel.
  • the Iron Crown - Angmar's Warrior-elite.
  • the Nimwaith - the Angmarean slave-caste.

The Angmarrim in Other Minds[]

In the Other Minds Magazine, Thomas Morwinski supposes a possible background for the Angmarrim. According to Tolkien's drafts, the northern areas of Eriador were settled by tribes related to the Easterlings of Bór's Folk. These Bórians were the original population of Angmar and maybe parts of Rhudaur. After a prophet named Balsha had appeared in Arnor, he founded strange cults and taught about gods and spirits. Many superstitious Eriadorians followed him, and treks of settlers from various areas of Eriador moved to Angmar, after it had proclaimed its independence from the Dúnedain Kingdoms.The original tribe of Angmar, the bórian "Meiwasi", became the newly independent realm's ruling or upper classes.The Angmarrim revered a pantheon of ancient eriadorian gods , the major ten Deities were: Azîra (Sauron), Hambasi (Yavanna), Manwâ (Manwe/Irmo), Mazaralda (Melkor), Nînur (Vána/Nessa), Phanurinduk (Aulë), Sanagathis (Tulkas/Oromë), Thamba (Mandos/Sauron), Vâra (Varda), Zaldûni (Mandos/Vairë).As the years went by there was a tendency to emphasize those deities which were covers of the Dark Lords and to show those who were more similar to the Valar as selfish and unreliable, without openly acting as a dark cult.
