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"Remains of Thangorodrim" (MECCG)


Location of Angband and Thangorodrim (MERP)
Other names and epithets
Hell, The Hells of Iron; (Q.) Angamando
Dungeon, fortress

Angband (S. "Iron Prison", "Hell of Iron"; Q. Angamando, Or. "Ongbondu") was the great dungeon-fortress of Melkor in the northwest of Middle-earth, first built during the Elder Days.

After his return to Middle-earth, after stealing the Silmarils, Melkor Morgoth retook Angband as the seat of his power, and raised the triple peaks of Thangorodrim over the gate of Angband.

Rise of Angband[]

Melkor built Angband during the Years of the Trees, originally as an outlying fortress and armoury to his great northern citadel at Utumno. It was commanded from its first construction by Sauron, the chief of Melkor's servants. Angband was built near the northwestern shores of the Great Sea in the range of the Iron Mountains, as a first defence against any attack on Melkor's realm from the Valar in Aman.


The entrance to the fortress was a series of gates, ramparts, and courtyards lying in the shadow of the mighty Thangorodrim peaks. The cliff itself over the first gate was about 1000 feet high. Next, there were corridors of corridors forming the "labyrinthine pyramid". Nearly 10,000 enslaved blacksmiths worked there, including Ñoldor, captured and imprisoned by Morgoth, and their groans echoed. The walls were carved, among others, into trollish shapes. The same twisted, scary sculptures, or petrified figures, also stood in the courtyards. The "Rusty Gate" led to the lowest chamber, and the room itself was supported by columns similar to large serpent trees. The floor was made of bronze. In the middle stood the throne of Morgoth, and the footstool was made of in-depth captives. The throne was carved into the shape of wolves, balrogs with fiery mane, jaws of steel, and red hands.

Places of Note[]

  • the Arena
  • Ashen forge
  • Barren Valley
  • Battlegrounds of Klangor
  • Battlement
  • Bottomless Dungeons
  • The Chimney
  • Dark Pools
  • Deepest Crypts
  • the drowned Halls
  • Fhagoshayât, the Orc-chief's feasting halls
  • Fingon's Way
  • Fortifications
  • Golden Caves
  • Grashmog, the battle-heart
  • Great Gate
  • Great Tunnel
  • Húrin's Chair
  • The Kitchens
  • Kondassë or Dragon's lair
  • Labyrinthine Stairs
  • Lorfang, the subterranean stream
  • Maedhras
  • Mines of the North
  • Morgoth's High Council
  • Morgoth's library
  • The Netherdungeons
  • Nethermost Hall
  • Nishrek - the Brood-pit
  • Northern garden-plains
  • Northern passes
  • Orc Dungeons
  • The Ovens
  • Pits of Melkor
  • Precipice
  • Rusty Gate
  • Salt-mines
  • Sauron's laboratory
  • The Scarp
  • Secret Gates
  • Seven thrones of the Balrog-lords
  • Shedring, the goblin-city
  • Slave Warrens
  • Subterranean Plantations
  • Subterranean Smithies
  • Thangorodrim
  • Thrall Vaults
  • Throne of Morgoth
  • Uren -outlying Easterling thrall-settlement
  • Thunder-Towers of Thangorodrim
  • Vault of the Demon-Lords
  • Volcanic Core
  • War-camps of the Feanorians
  • Watery Deeps



"Inhabitants of Angband"

Demons: Abûth Ailló Akhtú Arauco Ariel Asatthoth Athaliah Athrael Atlatnacca Aûr Aztaur Bapthamoth Bodag Brazrag Cantras Caradhras Carrog Coldagnir Dark Hunter Drûl-Khaurka Dûran Durlach Elder Nameless Thing Eloeklo Eos Erinya Faebartha Fangrog Fankil Faucarach Felagrog Foinicë Gabril Gan Gelugon Glabreithon Gorothir Gothmog the Balrog Grawash Grom the Thrall Gulavhar Gwathnor Helir Hethrûth Gulavhar Ior Jäänainen Kax Kel Kharmûraz Khûn Krogh Kuruki Kuzkûlzûp Lairathin Langon Lesh-Y Lungorthin Maeshni Marilith Maroch Maugarth Maún Meduisarn Miaule Mistress of Pestilence Moghlîn Morrigan Morthrog Mourfuin Muar Mûl Bâs Murgûleth Nâlafescnî Óg Oikeroi Omarax Orok Osyluth Patthnasû Poliphen Priclis Pûgudi Quaker Quasit Rakodsaol Rânakh Saermân Sauron Shûdhamel Slyardach Tar Goroth Telmorng Tengû Tevildo Thairakh Thuringwethil Tredeinos Ûbuzath Ufrûn Ulbandi Umuiyan Ûpo Úriel Uru Várgô Vrok Waldern Watcher in the Water Zaken Zelakús

Dragons: Ancalagon Bachmutha Balcheneb Barashnákh Drolem Fafnir Glaurung Hidarhú Húdalaeg Iaurlóke Iskagast Kavlax Morcharaes Mumlahilm Nidhog Noose of the Sea Nwalkahendi Orothiel Skator Smíg Taerasg Thaurung Toblanaur Utumkôdur

Dwarves: Albethrin Fûnin Bluecloak Ibûn Lokin the Bent Nâr Obelron

Elves: Ardana Ardanini Ardaron Ardûval Blodrin Cambëtyelca Curuquárë Etharion Faervel Fallên Faewath the Beastmaster Fëatúro Fëaturille Gelmir son of Guilin Gimli the Blind Gorthaur Morlin Gwindor son of Guilin Iarillë Illindor Khelekar Linsûl Maedhros the Tall Maeglin Lómion Malcith Mórënáro Mórësaur Palandor Rôg of Gondolin Rúmil of Tirion Seléun Sirnárë Srâwirakas Sûltumbo Sûhirok Sûlgwîr Talagand of Gondolin Tiuri-clax Tirial Valcahrissë Valmornólë Vargus Yávëcamba

Men: Agonosvos Angolam Angomaite Ansalom Antor Arnald Aroch Artsír Ashram Âsriël Baldor Balsac Banor Bernô Brodda the Incomer Castamir Dagashi Dúar Erén Fionní Gorlim the Unhappy Grimma Habu Harowen Hethron Hormur Húrin Thalion Indrû Kalam Kalion Kaschei Khorazir Lorgan of Hithlum Mâbelrod Môrazra Neil Nick the Butcher Sangahyanda Shûlan-Yîwan Sorthog Theleb'Kaarna Udûnphel Ulcham Uldor the Accursed Ulfang the Black Ulfast (Easterling) Ulwarth son of Ulfang Útâm Uráth Wegnâ

Orcs: Azrog Baghtru Balcmeg Bargh Bolcano Boldog the Slayer Boldor Bollug Borkh the Tree-Cutter Dalfax Dom Draebor Drurog Dúkagsh Ghurbúk Gilwal Gorfimbûl Gorg Gorgol the Butcher Gothdog Grankhul Grendi Grimsnag Grubnug Grúmsh Hrugaik Ilnwal Khurgor Kurumog Lagdûsh Lokkak Lug the Tower Lugduf Lûthig Maglub Mailaregda Makarna Maulokh Môme Morg Morhûr Mughash Mukarg Mûllug Nákhzar Nod of Angband Nomog Noborta Kesyta Ongrog Orcobal Orfax Othrod Razmak Righai Roshak Shargáth Shargaz Skiggar Skorg Snagalag Snarl Storlaga Swailash Tarukkraur Ubolg Ûltakh Ulugûkh Ûrwai Vort Wogar Yurthrush Zhûwingwal

Trolls: Aklash of Angband Algroth Búl Bûrat Eldrak Erfaug Gazfar Grô Imri Morî Skrag Sûnûkwâ Troll-Mother Tûma Ûlik Wâprakh Zhûkhram

Werewolves: Bloodfang of Angband Carcharoth Draugluin Fang Fercha Gaurhir Gaurin Húmûl

Other: Antrían Aranea Atlatas Barcios Carch Hirringfolth Koronoth Manc Rhunir Smagula


Much of the description of Angband and its inhabitants is based on the Angband roguelike and it's many derivates. However Angband contains characters taken from many different time periods; some of them would not have even been born at the time Morgoth was still sitting on his throne of iron. Also many creatures and characters in the Angband roguelikes were borrowed from non-Tolkien material such as the Cthulhu Mythos, Classical and Norse mythology, or D&D. Those unfitting characters and creatures were (or will be) rationalized, reworked, re-named and ret-conned to make them fit better with the legendarium.

Original names in Angband:

Abhoth → Abûth; Adûnaphel → Udûnphel; Aello → Ailló; Ahtu → Akhtú; Akhorahil → Khorazir; Alberich → Albethrin; Ant-queen → Antrían; Ar-Pharazôn → Kalion; Arioch → Aroch; Artsi → Artsír; Azathoth → Asattoth; Atlach-Nacha → Atlanacca; Atlas → Atlatas; Azrael → Athrael; Azog → Azrog; Azriel → Âsriël; Bahamut → Bachmutha; Baphomet → Baptamoth; Barbazu → Fangrog; Barkyos → Barcios; Beorn → Bernô; Bert → Bûrat; Bill → Búl; Bodak → Bodag; Bolg → Bollug; Bullroarer → Tarukkraur; Chun → Khûn; Dwar → Dúar; Erinyes → Erinya; Fang → Carch; Fundin → Fûnin; Gabriel → Gabril; Glabrezu → Glabreithion; Gorbag → Ghurbúk; Golfimbul → Gorfimbûl; Gorbag → Gorbugh; Grip → Manc; Grishnakh → Grimsnag; Grome → Grom; Hela → Helir; Hezron → Heon; Hoarmurath → Hormur; Hrugnir → Rhunir; Húan → Húmûl; Hydra → Hidarhú; Indur → Indrû; Itangast → Iskagast; Jabberwock → Mumlahilm; Khamul → Ulcham; Kronos → Koronoth; Lagduf → Lagdûsh; Lugdush → Lugduf; Malekith → Malcith; Mauhur → Morhûr; Medusa → Meduisarn; Murazor → Môrazra; Mouth of Sauron → Antor the Mouth; Nalfeshnee → Nâlafescnî; Nidhögg → Nidhog; Oberon → Obelron; Ogg → Óg; Pasuzu → Patthnasû; Phoenix → Foinicë; Polyphem → Poliphen; Ren → Erén; Saruman → Tharumach; Scatha → Skator; Shagrath → Shargaz; Smaug → Smeiga; Smeagol → Smagula; Snaga → Snagalag; Tarrasque → Taerasg; Tom → Tûma; Uftakh → Ûltakh; Ugluk → Ulugûkh; Uvathar → Uráth; Wormtongue → Angolam


  • Angband (roguelike Video Game)
  • Read LotR I260.SU passim, esp. 47.81. 95-6.118.179; UT 18, 66-7. 75. 78-9. 81. 89-90.,195, 232.385. For the Siege of Angband, read SU 115-16.118,,159,167; UT34. 53,155.

External links[]
