The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives


Location of Andrath (MERP)
Other name(s)
"Long Climb"
Arnor; then Cardolan; then none; later Reunited Kingdom

One broad valley cut all the way through the South Downs and allowed free passage of the Old North Road. This was the gap of Andrath (S. "Long climb"). While subterranean drainage kept it from being a major river concourse, it was nonetheless a pretty, fertile, little vale; the town that once bore its name had been among the fairest in Cardolan. Andrath was a major religious center in Eriador in the first millenium of the Third Age. Two small villages and several monasteries were enclosed within a single wall and formally chartered as a town by Prince Thorondur of Arnor, soon to be the first king of Cardolan, in T.A. 860. He had some notion of making Andrath his royal seat, but soon decided in favor of Metraith, which was closer to Tharbad and boasted a more central location. The Hir of Dol Tinereb did make it his capital in 1410; however, northern Cardolan never recovered from the devastation of the Second Northern War, and the town failed to prosper. Andrath had been mined and rebuilt many times over the course of its history. Its population dwindled in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries as the Princes of Dol Tinereb became estranged from their erstwhile vassals in the Pinnath Ceren; the Ernil began to spend more and more time at southerly keeps. The Great Plague, the Barrow-wight invasion, and the raid on Andrath by Broccach, the Hillman Targadh-Arm, in T.A. 1639 finished the town off. Now the ruins hid renegade Orcs waiting for a clean chance to cross the North Road; occasionally worse things emerged from the Barrow-downs.

Andrath in T.A. 1640-1650[]

Andrath ca. T.A. 1640-1650:

  • Type: Ruined Town.
  • Inhabitants: N/A
  • Population:
  • Origin: Founded circa TA 860 by Thorondur of Cardolan.
  • Purpose: A center of regional administration; the seat of the Prince of Dol Tinare from TA 1410 to TA 1639.


  • Amrath

