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Andai Inda'eir
Andai Inda'eir
Vital statistics
Other name(s) Randaiô Lindâweirô
Title(s) Prince
Gender Male
Race Half-elves (Avari, Avatani)
Faction(s) 'en'i
Dates active b. Second Age 3241
d. Third Age 130
Location(s) Ugnin'oro
Language(s) Avarin
Parents {{{parents}}}
Sibling(s) {{{siblings}}}
Spouse(s) {{{spouses}}}
Child(ren) {{{children}}}

Andai Inda'eir (Av. "Dark-wanderer Song-weaver"; PQ. Randaiô Lindâweirô) was a Prince of the 'en'i ice-elves in Ugnin'oro.

He was several times a companion of other renowned heroes such as Rálin of Zagragathol, Chinta, Kôma of Kôm, and Tash Enámó. Andai was said to have recovered the Book of Icelore and freed his kingdom from the yoke of the Nwûrdu. This object of the quests of the heirs of Lindêtáro was discovered in Kôm, a lair of the Ulairi. After generations of failure by his ancestors, Andai returned in triumph. In S.A. 3261, Andai freed his land from the yoke of Mordor. He then ruled Ugnin'oro for nearly 300 years, before choosing mortality, and the crown was passed on in T.A. 130.





Original forms in MERP: Randae Linvaire → Andai Inda'eir; Luingurth → Ugnin'uru; Aldaron → Alad'aron; Hellui → El'ugni


  • MERP #8006: Treasures of Middle-earth
  • MERP #8002: Lords of of Middle-earth, Vol. I — The Immortals: Elves, Maiar, and Valar
  • MERP #8003: Lords of of Middle-earth, Vol. II — The Mannish Races