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Anárion Elendilion


Anárion, King of Gondor

Originally: Andúnië, Númenor; later: Minas Anor, Gondor
Time period
Second Age b. 3219 - d. 3440
(N) = non-canon

Anárion (Q. "Sun's-son") was the younger son of Elendil and the brother of Isildur. Like them, he was born and raised in Númenor, and he was counted among "the Faithful" that escaped before the cataclysm called the Akallabêth (Ad. "Downfall") in S.A. 3319. A year later, while at Pelargir on the Anduin, Isildur and Anárion founded the South Kingdom of Gondor (S. "Stone-land"), one of the two Realms-in-exile. They reigned over Gondor as joint kings while their father ruled Arnor in the north. Elendil remained the High King of both kingdoms, however, for they were as one land in the eyes of the founding Dúnedain.
In S.A. 3429, Sauron's armies came out of Mordor and overran Ithilien. The Men of Gondor fell back across the Anduin and repelled the enemy's advance beyond the eastern bank of the Great River. Leaving Anárion in charge of the defense, Isildur went north to Arnor in Eriador in hope of mustering aid. Meanwhile, his younger brother directed a valiant, even brilliant war for the next four years. Anárion received no help until the Army of the Last Alliance of Men and Elves arrived in S.A. 3434, but he stayed the storm and prevented the Witch-king from crushing the South Kingdom as it stood alone.

With the appearance of the relief army led by Elendil and the Elf-lord Gil-galad of Lindon, Anárion's Gondorian forces joined with the host from Eriador. The Free Peoples pushed over the Anduin and marched toward the gates of Mordor. They met and vanquished the Dark Lord's minions at Dagorlad and entered the Black Land later the same year. The taking of Barad-dûr, however, was not so easy, and the Last Alliance was forced to settle into a long siege (S.A. 3434-41). Less than a year before the end of the siege, while directing a small force attempting to assault a sally-gate, Anárion was killed. An unknown defender cast a rock from the battlements of the Dark Tower and hit the Dúnadan King in the head. The stone crushed his helm and broke his skull. Barad-dûr fell a year later and, although Sauron slew both Elendil and Gil-galad on the slopes of Orodruin, the Last Alliance prevailed. Anárion's brother, Isildur, cut the One Ring from the Evil One's hand, forcing the Dark Lord to dissipate and leave Middle-earth. This act ended the war, and concluded the Second Age.
Isildur succeeded Elendil as High King of Arnor and Gondor, but he spent the first two years after the war in the South Kingdom. Then, in T.A. 2, he resolved to head north to his father's capital at Annúminas. In so doing, he placed Gondor in the hands of his nephew, Meneldil. Meneldil, the fourth child and eldest son of Anárion, had been born in S.A. 3318, and was the last Man (who survived the Downfall) to be born in Númenor. He was accounted as Gondor's third King and, from his reign onward, all of the Kings of Gondor traced their lineage back to Anárion.
Anárion's reign, albeit brief, left its mark. Besides co-founding the South Kingdom, he built Minas Anor (S. "Tower of the Sun"), which was used as a summer retreat for the Court and later became the capital. He established the royal Fief of Anórien which, like his citadel, was named for him and remained the royal demesne of the Kings. Most important, his blood ran through the line of Gondor's monarchs, until it ended in T.A. 2050.

Anárion's Principle Items[]

The following items were hereditary possessions of the Kings of Gondor. All of them, save the Crown-helm, were lost when King Eärnur disappeared in TA. 2050.

  • Crown-helm of Gondor — (Helm of Anárion): white (mithril alloy) helmet of a Númenórean High Helmet design, shaped like a high, pointed dome with two applied sea-bird wings of pearl. It served as one of the two Crowns of Gondor until it was crushed with Anárion's death.
  • Mace — (Mace of Anárion): mithril-inlaid eog Holy Mace topped with an inset aquamarine. The gem glowed upon wielder's mental command and, depending on the level of concentration, could emit a bright beam that shone afar. The mace was a slaying-weapon when used against Sea-drakes, Kraken, or Fell-turtles and was later used as the Sceptre of Gondor.
  • Shield — (Shield of Anárion): gold- and silver-inlaid black ithilnaur shield. Set atop the black metal field, the silver inlay formed the symbol of Gondor: the White Tree and the Seven Stars.
  • Númenórean Battle-axe
  • Númenórean Long sword

