The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

A Noldo Elf of the House of Feanor, Amras (S. "Copper-top"; Q."Ambarussa") was virtually a mirror image of his twin brother Amrod. Together, they were the youngest of Feanor's seven sons. Like their brothers, they both swore the awful Oath of Feanor and both fell prey to its Doom. Amras was a superb hunter who, like Amrod, possessed a milder temperament than was normal for his line. Unfortunately, however, his Feanorian passions and pride still ran very deep. When his brothers Maedhros and Maglor attacked the Sindar in Falas in hope of recovering Beren's Silmaril, Amras joined them in the assault on the Havens of Sirion. There, he died beside his twin. The brothers were unusually tall (7'0") as was normally the case of the great Noldo princes, and were nobly handsome with both having inherited the red-blonde hair of their mother Nerdanel, which was a rare treat among the Eldar.

Other names[]

  • Ambarto
  • Ambarussa, Mothername
  • Amros
  • Minyarussa, Nickname
  • Pityafinwe, fathername
  • Pityo, Nickname
  • Telufinwe
  • Umbarto


  • copper-red hair, a bit fairer than his brother Amras

