The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Ómar Amillo (Q. "One of the Happy Folk, Hilary"), called the Lord of Music was a mighty Ainur, a being of vast power whose songs weave through the depths of the cosmos. Though he descended into alongside his brethren, he never set foot upon Arda, instead weaving his harmonies in the deep halls of the cosmos, where the light of the stars dances upon the endless Void.

Some among the loremasters whisper that Ómar is among the mightiest of the Ainur who did not take the title of a Valar of Arda, akin in might to those lesser Valar who rule the world, yet set apart, his song unchained by the fate of a single realm. His name is seldom spoken, for his presence is not felt upon the solid lands of the world, but in the great firmament, where his melodies still weave through the fabric of existence. He is sometimes considered the brother of Salmar and Ilmare.


  • Gamlos
  • Jaysek (Easterlings)
  • Lord of Music
  • Ómar
  • Silver-Voiced One
  • The Singer Beyond the Stars
  • Ûmor
  • The Voice that Knows No End

