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The Althan were a mysterious society of Maiarindi descending from and ruled by the Lords of Essence. The Easterlings believed them to have once ruled the World before the rise of Elves, Dwarves, or Men, though this was likely only true of Rhûn and possibly Harad.


The Althans were a technologically advanced people, highly skilled in magic. They were known to be curious and chaotic, often prone to magical experimentation and altering of lifeforms, such as plants but also animals and higher life-forms.


The Althans spoke a language known as Iruaric.

Althans of Renown[]

Andraax Danklu Eogun Kadaena Lorgalis Ondoval Oyan Utha V'glin V'rama Vair Ridaen


In the Rolemaster Universe the Lords of Essence are a subgroup of the Althan, a race of space-traveling aliens of great power who had once ruled the Universe by their higher technological knowledge but had vanished because of inner strife. They were the ruling caste of the Althans, the original inhabitants of Kulthea. They had created the intelligent Races of the Shadow World in their experiments and their abandoned ruined complexes still could be found on various places around the world. The true relationship between the Althans and the godlike Lords of Orhan and Lords of Charon and the Unlife remain mysterious, but it is suggested that the Gods of Orhan predate the Althans and are more powerful and the Gods of Orhan and Charon are possibly related.

For the purposes of this wiki, the Althans, whose origins lie in Rolemaster as the earliest life-form on Kulthea, are to be regarded as Maiar or Maiarindi.

See also[]

  • Uruth
  • Worldslayers


  • Loremaster: Cloudlords of Tanara
  • Loremaster: The World of Vog Mur
  • Loremaster: The Iron Wind