Alfric (D. "Ellyllrhi") was a stern and fell Dunlending man, even for a warrior of the Riddermark. He grew to manhood within a village of the Westfold Vale where mixed Dunlendish and Rohirrim ancestry was common. While the villagers saw their heritage as a strength, drawing on the best of both peoples, the Dunlending raiders that burned it saw them only as enemy Rohirrim. Wounded and left for dead, Alfric awoke to the smell of charred timbers and spilled blood gone stale. His fellow villagers had all been either slain or taken as captives by the Dunlendings. When Alfric approached an éored seeking help, they accused him of having helped the raiders and refused to listen to his pleas. Alfric was forced to flee for his life.
Alfric wandered the Mark, forever wary of being caught and tried as an outlaw, until his feet brought him before the gates of Isengard. There, he found comfort in the words of Saruman, who offered him a position among his servants. Alfric repaid the kindness of the White Wizard with hard work and gained his trust with unreserved loyalty. Saruman eventually gave him an honoured position among the guards of the gates of Isengard, a place usually reserved only to those whose families have served Saruman for many generations. In his years of service, Alfric had proven to be dependable, with a sharp memory for faces. He seldom spoke of it, but a fierce resentment burned in him aimed at the folk of Rohan. One day, he was sure, he would be able to repay them for all they had done to him.
- The One Ring - Roleplaying in Middle Earth: Horse Lords of Rohan