Aldohir was a man of Calenardhon, he and his friend Falfed were friends of Gwindion, an Elven warden of Lórien that was prisoner in the Caverns of Pain. They had been given permission by Amroth, the King of Lórien, to recruit courageous people to help free their friend. King Amroth would not send troops against the Barz Thrugrim for the sake of one warden because he was afraid that while his troops were occupied with them, Lorien might be attacked from Dol Guldur. This is why they were asking for help. They would hand pick the people that go with them and were planning to enter the caverns by stealth rather than force if at all possible. They were offering ten silverpennies and two minor magic items (bowstrings, magic rope, etc.) per person for help in this matter.