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The New Notion Club Archives

The Aldâri were a strange race of men, believed to have been brought to the lands of Emêr by the Althan, from lands far away. They were early rivals and enemies of the Lân. They were noted for having fair hair, even white or silver, and skin, with blue-gray eyes, and their slow aging and longevity, perhaps hinting towards half-elven heritage.


Within the Rolemaster setting of Kulthea the Aldâri actually were devised as an alien race, originating from another planet of the Althan realm. If re-adapted to a Middle-earth setting, a half-elvish origin would be highly unlikely, but they could be another sub-kind of man like the Drughu or maybe degenerate or warped men.

See also[]


  • Rolemaster: Emer Atlas II, by Terry K. Amthor
  • Rolemaster: Haalkitaine and the Imperial Court of Rhakhaan, by Terry K. Amthor