Alchemy (Q."Ermavirnë") refers to the practice of transforming metals and creating elixirs, potions, and new substances. In Middle-earth, the Lore of Metals was especially tended by the disciples of Aulë and the great Artisans of the Noldor and the Dwarves, but also the Númenóreans and Orcs had a wide knowledge in these fields which was handed down to them by their Eldarin or Demonic teachers. From the High Men and Orcs watered-down knowledge came to the Lesser Men. Knowledge of elixirs and potions had also been traded to men by Elves, and became the subject of various Loremasters, from Healers and Scientists to Poisoners, Sorcerers, and tribal Shamans. Alchemy may be seen as a category of Magic.
Alchemy in Roleplaying[]
Rolemaster knows several Alchemist professions, among them Dwarven Alchemist, Evil Alchemist, Inorganic Alchemist, Organic Alchemist, Royal Alchemist, and Shaman Alchemist.
Examples for Alchemists in Middle-earth[]
- The Alchemists of Fornost
- A dwarven Earth-Reader
- An Elven Artificer
- The Guldur Sorcerers or Kîshothî
- Hearth-Wizards of the Eriadorians
- The Mages' Guilds of Far Harad (Karalija, Kromet, Mudrat, and Tama)
- The Modrog of the Dônaen
- Númenórean Ziguri and Saptâin
- Orcish Dushi
- Poisoners and Defilers
- Potion-makers and Elixirists