The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Aivahati (Rh. "Horse-anger") was the ranger-captain in charge of all the rangers of the region known as the West-march, in T.A. 1640. He was an imposing physical presence, standing 6’6” tall and weighing 250 lbs. He was a seasoned veteran of several campaigns elsewhere, and found the West-march somewhat boring. He was half Dúnadan, half Northman. His father’s family was one of the Eldacar faction in the Kin-strife, and was rewarded quite well in lands and status afterwards. He had the Northmen’s blond hair, which made him stand out even further. One of Aivahati’s strong points was his reasoning abilities. He was a superb detective and tactician, which had helped him a lot in his current station.
Aivahati was tolerant of visitors in West-march, but would not stand for rabble-rousers and strife caused by outsiders. He had been there long enough that he knew these people well, and considered most an extension of his family. He was currently unmarried, as he thought that this would be a poor arrangement, considering that his position required so much travel and odd hours.

Aivahati, however, had a secret hidden within him, such that even he did not know. The day he was born was also the day that his great grandfather Faivamund died. Ever since, the ghost of Faivamund had followed him as a guardian. Normally, the life draining effects of a ghost in close proximity would kill most people after such a lengthy exposure, but Aivahati was also born with limited regenerative abilities that maintained him even as his great grandfather’s ghost drained him.Aivahati had never realized that this symbiotic relationship existed, but it had saved his life in several battles. In battle Faivamund could do several things to help his descendant.Aivahati could not explain why he had heard warnings of attack, when no one remembered saying anything to him. Nor was he ever able to find the person who rescued him after he was knocked unconscious in a battle with a band of Orcs.

The rangers of the West-march were based in Derwhad, and so this was where Aivahati resided, although he was often away on his business.


  • Original form of names in MeFM:

Evad → Aivahati Feamond → Faivamund (incoherent polyglot rendered into meaningful latinized Gothic: "Few (of) Guard").

