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The New Notion Club Archives

An Airship of Amon Lind

When Eärendil the Mariner returned to Middle-Earth he did so with his ship Vingilot which by then had achieved the power to fly within the lower and higher airs of Menel.H ow he had achieved this for his ship was unknown, but it was widely believed that it's powers were given by Valarin magic or Illuvatar's miracle-work.

In the Second Age the Númenóreans developed Ships which could sail in the air of breath.It was widely believed they had achieved this not by magical powers but by until then unexplored means of technology, although some historians also suspected a fusion of both. By the Third age the knowledge on how to build flying ships had been lost among men, only a few eccentrics such as the elves of Amon Lind were suspected to dabble in such lost lore, but many Loremasters also believed that those elven ships which were built to find the Straight road had the ability to sail the airs which connected Ambar and Aman, but the elven shipwrights remained silent on this matter.

In the Fourth Age experimental Flying Ships briefly reappeared in the Reunited Kingdom, as some ancient númenórean documents thought long lost had been rediscovered and translated, but they still were rare and mainly used for contact with the realms of the Farthest East, while travelling the vast plains of Central Middle-earth still was considered too dangerous and insecure due to the many local aggressive nomad tribes.By the year 1000 however they already had come out of use again.


  • Length:
  • Beam:
  • Draft:
  • Displacement:
  • Freeboard:
  • Keel:
  • Construction:
  • Strength:
  • Deck:
  • Forecastle:
  • Midecastle:
  • Aftercastle:
  • Ram:
  • Steering:
  • Total Crew:
    • Officers:
    • Soldiers:
    • Sailors:
    • Rowers:
  • Turn Radius:
  • Turn Speed:
  • Oar Banks:
  • No.Oars:
  • Rowers/Oar:
  • Slow Rowing:
  • Fast Rowing:
  • Ramming:
  • Racing:
  • Masts:
  • Sail Type:
  • Slow Sail:
  • normal Sail:
  • fast Sail:
  • max. Sail:
  • Artillery:
  • Provisions:
  • Cargo:
  • Notes: