The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Also known as Eraguk (Har."desolate land") to the Urdwan, Aegardh (S.‘Fell Region’) was applied to the dry uplands of Harondor. These lands were flat, grassy steppes, through which cut numerous canyons and wadis, making travel difficult. The plateau extended up to the foothills of the Ephel Dúath.

They were reachable from the coastal and river lowlands that bordered the region by passage through the hill country of the Echorbel, which was itself factually the crumbled edge of the Aegardh. Covering most of central and eastern Harondor, the uplands consisted mainly of flat, grassy steppes ailed by numerous canyons and narrow wadis. In the northeast, the steppe broke up into the Emyn Gonngaran, the foothills.

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