Adrahil II of Dol Amroth
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Prince of Dol Amroth
Time Period
T.A. 2917 - T.A. 3010
Irilde (N)
(N) = non-canon
Lord of Dol Amroth, Bearer of Meledhil, Adrahil II was the twentieth Prince in the House of Dol Amroth, the second line of Lords in Dor-en-Ernil. He was eldest son of Angelimir and older brother of Alphor. He was a Dúnadan descendent of Galador and the father of Imrahil and Finduilas. His chroniclers cited that he also had a remote blood-tie to Adrahil I, although the exact nature of their kinship was unsure. Adrahil II was typical of the High Men of Belfalas, having a noble form, a rich character, and a deep love for the Sea and Elvish things. A close advisor, ally, and vassal of the Steward Denethor II, to whom he gave his daughter Finduilas in marriage, he was the grandfather of both Boromir and Faramir, the Steward's two sons.
His reign took much of the brunt of the Seventh Corsair War, which erupted in T.A. 2971 during Angelimir's reign. During the third assault of the war, he was attacked whilst with his wife Irilde at Sarlond, who was slain in a raid. Although he eventually rejected the Corsairs, he was consumed with vengeance against them. He and his men aided the enigmatic Thorongil during his raid against Umbar, and in the respite granted by the attack, in 2983, Adrahil brought Aglahad's plans to fruition and recaptured Harondor from the Haradrim. During the fourth assault of the war, the old but spirited Prince met the ships of Fleetmaster Sanghayando in the Bay of Belfalas, and killed the fell captain himself. However, Dalamyr, the Captain of The Shrike, led the vengeful Adrahil into a tempest, in which he was successful in killing the Prince.