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The New Notion Club Archives

The Kingdom of Adûnabâr (A. "West-lordship") was, according to some sources, a realm that attempted to secede from the Reunited Kingdom in the Fourth Age.

Adûnabâr rose from Gondorians and New Arnorians who followed the Cult of the Shadow that grew out of the "Dark Tree" movement.


The rebelling force of "Adûnabâr" is chiefly located around Núrn and Southeast Mordor; in the Emyn Arnen between Harnithilien and Fornithilien, as well as around Lastbridge in New Arnor.

Its leader was said to be a descendant of the line of Telcontar who was convinced to the Shadow.


Adûnabâr was a very small but somewhat organized force growing out of Dúnedain who wished to return to the ways of "Black Númenor." The causes of the movement are varied. Contributing factors include failings to fully integrate the pre-existing Black Númenóreans of the newly conquered territories in Umbar and Harondor, and the Men of Darkness of the Haradrim, Easterlings, and Dunlendings (though Adûnabâr itself was usually Gondorians and Arnorians who may have been influenced by misbelief). There was also the military occupation of Mordor, which may have corrupted the soldiers and their descendants to some extent. The wish to return to the old ways may have been prompted by jealousy of the long lifespans of the kings Elessar and Eldarion, or indeed worries about the diminishing lifespans of the kings that followed. Although some believed that the true cause was a darkness in the heart of men that would always exist, or the Shadow wishing to corrupt the Dúnedain with the diminishing of the forces of Sauron following his ultimate defeat.


  • The Fourth Age: Total War