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The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Ûster Kryl

Ûster Kryl (L."Hawk-Waters") was an oasis of trees and hills in the vast grass sea known as the East-plain of Middle-earth. It was occupied by sedentary, Linerin-speaking dairymen and farmers called the Ûsteri. Their famous 650 mile-long "Rope-wall" was a marvel of engineering. A 6-foot high fence made of laquered wood and well-oiled hemp, it resisted both fire and rot. It encircled the entire area. In the mid-Third Age, the Wizard Alatar founded a kingdom in the forest called Linimar ("The Place of the Blue One"), which included sovereignty over Daldunair as well. It was also known as the Round Western Forest.

Places of Note[]

Home of Clan Arain



Geographically Uster Kryl seems to be roughly inspired by northwestern Mongolia or perhaps the southern sibirian rainforest, such as in russian Tuva.Historically these lands were home to proto- turk or proto-mongol Chu-she or Chu-shih peoples.

