The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Ûrdarian (or "Ûrdari", U.:"Belonging to the strong-ones") was a language family of the Northern Peninsula and parts of the eastern Forodwaith.

It was a descendant of the Mornârim dialect of the Nwûrdu, a people of second Age conquerors in the Wild Lands of Northeastern Middle earth.Aside from Ûrd itself Ûrdarian dialects were spoken in Anklâx, Ôm, Sharthax, Ur'el'orê', Urtlagga, parts of Dír and among the Utûmians.


Original form in MERP:Urdarin

The "Urdarin" languages, made up the the ICE authors, were spoken mainly in the Far North of Middle-earth and are loosely based on Kugor and Athabaskan vocabulary.
