Ôvatha the Young
Ôvatha the Young was the grandson of his namesake and heir to
the lordship of the Orath tribe of the Khandian nations. He ascended the throne in T.A. 1636, at the age of thirteen, when his father Ôvag-Itô died of the plague while campaigning in Nûrad. Three years later he entered the great khandian trade center and "capital" at Khand Amu and became the Khûr (V. "King of All the Tribes") of his people. He was the second Khandian to unite Khand during the Third Age. During the succeeding decades, Ôvatha ruled from the saddle and expanded Khandish influence deep into Harad, throughout Nûrad, and across Khey Sârt. The so-called Horse-slayer ruled much of central Endor.
Ôvatha-Îto weighed 170 pounds and stood 5'9" tall, average by Khandian standards. His most notable feature was the self-inflicted diamond-shaped scar that surrounded his facial area and lent him a frightening air. The scar, an ancient and theretofore abandoned symbol of spiritual power, was dyed a deep sienna color. His lip- ring was much more contemporary.