Óri the Scholar
The flute-playing Óri was one of Thorin Oakenshield's twelve cohorts on his famed expedition to drive Smaug from the Lonely Mountain and to seize the Dragon's treasure. Later, Óri travelled to Khazad-dûm with Balin and Óin in T.A. 2989. He died a hero in T.A. 2994 defending the Chamber of Mazarbul, slain by a host of Orcs as he recorded the last valiant efforts of the expedition in the Book of Mazarbul a must-read for every Dwarf.
Óri was the younger brother (or maybe rather cousin?) of Dóri and Nóri and a quite inexperienced dwarf, being rather interested in books and lore than adventures or crafts. He was a quiet character, very well educated and interested in Elvish culture and literature - more a scholar or intellectual than a soldier, though he could be determined and would prove himself a capable fighter. Óri later became an acknowledged writer, Runemaster, and Historian. Ori's name meant quarrelsome or crazy.
- Beard-comb
- Carbon pencils
- Dwarven boots
- Golden belt
- Golden brooch
- Book of Mazarbul
- Flute
- Grey cloak
- Grey hood
- Leather bag
- Leather pouch
- Parchment
- Dwarven knife
- Pen-knife
- Pipe
- Quill and Inkpot
- Shoulder bag
- Sketchbook
- Slingshot and slingstones
- Woollen gloves
- Woolly
- MERP: Lords of Middle-earth Vol III: Hobbits, Dwarves, Ents, Orcs & Trolls