Óin son of Gróin
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Time period
about TA 2900
The elder son of Gróin, Óin lived for over 200 years in the Third Age. A member of Thorin and Company, he remained in Erebor after Smaug's death in T.A. 2941. In T.A. 2989, he accompanied Balin to Khazad-dûm. Five years later, Óin was slain by a tentacled Watcher in the Water at the Orc-infested stronghold also known as Moria.
Like his younger brother Glóin, Óin was a northern Dwarf deeply loyal to the royal house of Dúrin. Like his brother he was an experienced traveler, survivalist, and especially firestarter. Óin was often a bit forgetful and could be quite argumentative - he could often be seen quarreling with his brother. Of all the Dwarves of Thórin's company Óin was the only adept Healer and physician.
- Bone-saw
- Dwarven boots
- Brown cloak
- Crowbar
- Doctor's blade
- Ear trumpet
- Field-bottle
- Gloves
- Dwarven Hammer
- Silver belt
- Flintstone and tinder
- Brown hood
- Lantern
- Leather pouch
- Magnifying glass
- Dwarven medicine
- Nippers
- Pipe
- Plough
- Purse
- Shoulder bag
- Staff
- Utility knife
- Healer's utility pack, dressing materials
- Yarn and needles
- Pins
- Dwarven Shortsword of Erebor
- Plated Chainmail of Erebor
- Dwarven Shield of Erebor
- MERP: Lords of Middle-earth Vol III: Hobbits, Dwarves, Ents, Orcs & Trolls